If you're looking for original instruction that will help your child learn to think, we implement the Carden Method® at Carden Christian Academy. This language arts curriculum was developed by Ms. Mae Carden and is being used in more than 80 different schools across the country. Other countries have adopted this method to teach the English language and grammar. Register your child today to take advantage of this revolutionary technique that gives your student the advantage he or she needs to excel in academics.
We keep the academic ability of students in mind when we teach, yet encourage him or her to reach beyond their potential. The Carden Method® is a highly individualized approach that provides a sound basic education that meets the particular needs of each student. They are given exercises in critical thinking through special techniques of analysis and rhythm.
Zbrog, Carden Specialist, Part 1
Merle Taylor,
Director Emeritus and Carden, Part 1